Kevin Boer had too much fun writing the article “Top 10 Ways To NOT Sell Your House”. As a Realtor I take my job seriously and assist my clients with great staging ideas, help with colors, make sure to do the pest inspection etc. etc. I mean, think of it, having your home on the market is not fun and it’s always my goal to make that process as short and painful as possible.
However, over the years I have talked to a lot of people about selling their home (guess what… yes… I am a Realtor…) and you’d be surprised how often sellers do the things mentioned by Kevin.
I don’t want my neighbors to know we are selling… Hmmm let me think… Yes one seller did mention that years ago. I had to tell her that neighbors quite often are a great source for potential buyers, if they like the neighborhood they want their friends to live there too.
No yard sign… same reason… Overprice the home. Yes we all think our home is the best in the neighborhood, Realtors who sell their own home/set their own price often do the same. We are no better when it comes to selling OUR home.
Long story short. If you decide to sell, be serious about it. No yard sign means that you are fooling yourself and not ready to sell you home: you don’t want to be reminded that you are selling your home every time you come home.
Over the years I have come to realize that sometimes people are not ready to sell their home for what ever reason. There are ways to make yourself ready, one is clearing out your home. You will go through memory lane but it will help you mentally get ready to sell your home.
Have a great weekend!
Mirjam –