Congrats for Offers received for Spring Oaks!

By July 23, 2007Sonoma County info

 denise.jpgJust to let everyone know that 2 offers were received this weekend for this property. If you are sitting on the fence, please be sure to call Mirjam to throw your offer on the table…..we had brisk traffic Saturday and Sunday. Scroll down and see the website on this property.

Important matters for those buying or refinancing are the “closing costs” on a property. Closing costs on all types of loans vary from state to state. Important considerations to those borrowers that are worried about “closing costs” comes from today’s newsletter from the Mortgage Lenders Association. This gives us a some interesting information on what states charge:

Which States Have the Highest Closing Costs?
Realty Times (07/23/07) ; Evans, Blanche
“New York has the most expensive closing costs in the country at $3,830, according to an annual report from, but a borrower taking out a $200,000 mortgage in Indiana would pay an average of $2,339–or $1,491less–for origination, title and closing costs. Topping’s report for the third straight year, New York was followed by Texas; while Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio followed number three-ranked Indiana. The national average in closing costs is $2,736, with 24 states and the District of Columbia having higher closing costs and 24 states having closing costs that are lower than the national average. Kickbacks and undisclosed referral fees have been problems for the closing industry, and some lenders are now introducing flat-fee pricing or products carrying no fees and no mortgage insurance in an effort to lower closing costs.”

Please be sure to ask your Title/escrow/lender companies if they offer any discount to any borrower that had purchased the property during the last year. In my experience I am finding that some title/escrow companies are willing to discount over 33% to the borrower on a subsequent refinance! Just ask….!!

Hope you all had a great weekend? Weather in the wine country was glorious. If you are looking for a great restaurant check out SADDLES, in the quaint town of Sonoma. We ordered burgers all around since they are know for their great beef. Earlier we had seen the newest flick “Goya’s Ghost”. This is a “must see” for those interested in artsy movies based the real life of famous artist and the times they lived in.
