What’s Happening in Washington DC? or do you HOEPA?

By September 7, 2007Sonoma County info
Washington, DC will respond positively to the housing issue facing a lot of Americans. As I commented last month, I hope that some type of regulation occurs that will require mortgage brokers to be regulated in some fashion. Controls are in order when  some abuse the process that we all pay the piper.Well, the House as well as the Senate have legislation forthcoming that we all should seriously consider. Senator Dodd, who is also running for President, has the most comprehensive package that will go before the Senate when the session resumes. NO doubt it will be watered down by the time it gets to the House but it is vital that our legislators address this economic tsunami before it spills over into the other sectors of the economy. Let’s hope that Barney Frank can preserve as much as the Senate proposal as possible,

See the comprehensive information provided by the Mortgage Lender’s Association today in their daily report. I hope you find it helpful and be sure to contact your legislator to support some action.

Dodd to Introduce Mortgage Reform Bill