Earthquake Fault Zones and due diligence…

fault_types.pngLooking for the perfect home in the perfect neighborhood? There is a little secret I need to share: there is no such thing as the perfect home/perfect place … Ouch… The home might be a great match, the neighborhood might be just perfect but what about natural hazards? WHAT??? one might say…

220px-de_dijk_tussen_kesteren_en_opheusden_tijdens_extreem_hoogwater_van_de_neder_rijn_344320s.jpgYes, Natural Hazards…We are talking about Earthquakes, Flooding, Fires etc. These Hazards are different depending on an area. Living in the Netherlands and about 50% of the Netherlands below sea level, flooding is an important one. Living in Sonoma County, you can live right on an Earthquake Fault zone and in a High Fire Hazard zone (think for instance of Fountaingrove).

This does not mean that these neighborhoods or areas are unfit to live. It means that one has to be aware of these Hazards before the final decision to buy a home,the 3rd party Hazard Report is a report a seller has to provide to a buyer. It is part of the statutory disclosures a seller and their Real Estate agents has to provide. 

There are many 3rd party Hazard Disclosure companies to choose from, one is Property ID. Personally I like their reports since they are easy to read and understand. It is important to go over all the disclosures provided.

Example: living in an earth quake zone means that there are more stringent building codes. This might affect you when remodeling an older home: all of a sudden there are extra requirements adding up to the costs of remodeling. However, these more stringent building codes are for your protection: the likelyhood of your home to withstand an earthquake…

These Natural Hazards also affect your Home Owners Insurance: living in an area with higher risks to be affected by natural disasters results in higher premiums. Recently I sold a home right on the coast of Albion: magnificent location. Small detail: most insurance providers were not willing to insure the property. That is by the way why a good insurance agent/broker is key: my favorite insurance agent, Erin Temple of Vantreo Insurance, was able to find a good insurance company who was willing to insure the property for a reasonable rate… Also lenders require a property to be adequately insured by the way. This is important when buying and refinancing a property.

Moral of the story, is doesn’t matter where you live, it is important to be aware of all material facts affecting the property you decide to buy.
